(281) 546-6428

Actions speak louder than words; let your words teach and your actions speak. ~St. Anthony of Padua, Portuguese Franciscan, 12th century

Houston criminal lawyer Jim Sullivan has over 25 years of criminal defense law experience.  He has successfully represented over 4,000 clients. With his extensive legal knowledge and experience, he teaches his clients the pertinent law that relates to their criminal charge and the various options available to defend them. Attorney Jim Sullivan believes that the right to a jury trial–the right to be judged by a jury of one’s peers–is the most important right that an accused has and should not be relinquished easily. Attorney Jim Sullivan investigates and seeks out defenses that can be utilized in a trial. His actions and results in preparing and trying cases definitely speak volumes. If you need criminal defense representation, call attorneys Sullivan & Associates at 281-546-6428.Enhanced by Zemanta