(281) 546-6428

                        Houston Juvenile Delinquency Attorneys James Sullivan and Associates Believe in Human Freedom

Those who deny freedom to others deserve it not for themselves. ~Abraham Lincoln, 16th president of the United States, 19th century

Houston Juvenile Lawyers James Sullivan and Associates believe that You Deserve Your Freedom. Sullivan has never worked for the government and has never put a single person in jail.  He values human freedom. And, that is why James Sullivan and Associates work day and night fighting for their clients–investigating crime scenes, searching for lost witnesses, researching legal cases and returning phone calls around the clock. To represent a client well means more than just showing up to court and negotiating a plea deal. To represent a client well takes time, talent and personalized dedication to get the best possible result. And, for the attorneys at the law office of James Sullivan and Associates, the best possible result means returning you to the free world.

James Sullivan is board certified in Juvenile Law since 2004. If you need a dedicated Houston Juvenile Lawyer, call James Sullivan and Associates at 281-546-6428.