(281) 546-6428

Houston Misdemeanor Attorney Jim Sullivan Can Represent You

Houston misdemeanor lawyer Jim Sullivan can represent for theft or any other misdemeanor or felony offense. In Decatur, AL, one man was so brazen as to as to walk up to a group of contractors who were fininshing a Project, steal their equipment and the drive off. ...


Attorneys Jim Sullivan and Associates, Texas Criminal Defense Attorneys The Houston, Texas Criminal Defense Attorneys Jim Sullivan and Associates have handled over 4000 cases and have a collective 55 years experience defending adults and  juveniles in criminal,...

Houston Criminal Lawyer Jim Sullivan Seeks a Better Path

When I despair, I remember that all through history, the way of truth and love has always won.  There have been murderers and tyrants, and for a time they can seem invincible.  But in the end they always fail. ~Mahatma Gandhi, Indian philosopher and advocate of...